About Us

- Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology
Takashi Nishioka
Throughout history, physics has not only advanced our understanding of who we are, but also driven the advancement of innovations that have benefitted the whole of human civilization. The internet, advanced medical imaging equipment, and novel approaches to genetic engineering can all be traced to work done to unlock the mysteries of the physical universe. Currently physicists are working to unravel the history of the universe and discover the origin of matter. To solve these mysteries, advanced equipment will be required. The International Linear Collider, or ILC, will be a crucial facility which will allow researchers to deepen their understanding of fundamental physics. For more than two decades, a worldwide team of thousands of scientists from the United States, Europe, and Japan have worked on the concept and design of the ILC. Stakeholders in the project are closer than ever to brining the ILC to life. As the ILC is an international effort, we believe that international cooperation is necessary to construct the technology and share the cost of the facility.
The ILC will be a milestone for Japanese physics. In 1949, Dr. Hideki Yukawa was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, an achievement of huge importance for a nation still recovering from the devastation of the Second World War. Japan has produced 11 Nobel Laureates in Physics, proving that Japan is a global leader in scientific advancement. We hope to continue this tradition by playing a prominent role in hosting and constructing the ILC, which will enable future contributions to the field of physics and in advancing technology that will make the world a better place. Robust international collaboration is required to realize this dream and we hope for broad and strong collaboration to bring the next generation of advanced accelerators to life.
Aiming to achieve significant developments in science and technology and to discover new worlds by developing state-of-the-art colliding electron-positron accelerators
The Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA) has been established to strive for the further advancement of scientific technologies and remarkable scientific discoveries derived from the latest developments in colliding electron-positron accelerators. The Association aims to broaden human intellectual horizons in the fields of space, elementary particles, matter and life science, and to comply with global-level assignments on medical, energy and environment issues by facilitating industry-government-academia collaboration and seeking a range of industrial applications of advanced accelerators and technologies derived from R&D on advanced accelerators. The Association promotes the following activities:
Through a variety of events (such as symposiums and lectures) and media exposure (such as the internet), undertake outreach worldwide outreach regarding all the possibilities and significant purposes that advanced accelerator technologies have to offer.
Organize group activities with outside intellectuals to discuss appropriate uses of intellectual properties and R&D directionalities for the designated model project, the International Linear Collider (ILC), to make propositions and suggestions to associating organizations.
Gather "Monodzukuri (manufacturing) technologies" in a variety of industrial fields from Industry-Government-Academia collaboration to create innovative scientific technologies to support advanced accelerators.
The advanced accelerator science will provide us with a new cosmic doorway to make discoveries on nature laws and provide answers to the fundamental questions of all time by researching the origins of mass for all elementary particles called the Higgs boson, the unknown substance that comporises 23% of the total mass of the Universe, dark matter, and extra additional dimensions of space and time beyond the four dimensions we are living in. At the same time, we strongly believe that working toward building the ILC will stimulate a focus on science and technology among the younger generations, providing hopes and dreams for their future.
The ILC will be an extremely precise system stretching approximately 40km in length inside a linear tunnel deep underground. The collider hurls electrons and their anti-particles, positrons, into a series of vacuumed superconducting accelerator cavities that are surrounded by extremely precise devices, and then accelerates them to nearly the speed of light toward the detectors, the particles to collide face to face at the center of the machine. Recreating the initial state of the Universe (immediately after the Big Bang) with the collider and studying the byproducts, elementary particles, will allow us to unlock some of the deepest mysteries of the Universe.
Advanced accelerators will enrich our society with innovative science technologies. Superconducting accelerator technology developed under the ILC project will dramatically increase the efficiency of synchrotron radiation facilities and neutron facilities, providing new solutions for global-level assignments on medical, energy and environmental issues.
Meaning of the organization logo

The three initial letters of the Organization, AAA (Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology), have been chosen as the Organization's logotype. The logo design features emitted electron and positron beams accelerating at the speed of light and colliding face to face in the middle of an accelerator. Borders are used to convey an accelerator in the logo design, and for symposiums and lectures the color navy is used in the background to create an image of the Universe.