Advanced Accelerator AssociationPromoting Science & Technology
Enriching 21st century society by expanding human knowledge and solving issues in the field of medicine and our current environment
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About Advanced Accelerator
Creating a rich future with science and technology for advanced accelerators
An accelerator is a device that creates a high-energy state by accelerating tiny, invisible particles to almost the speed of light.
Advanced Accelerator AssociationPromoting Science & Technology

The Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology aims to achieve significant developments in science and technology and to discover new worlds by developing state-of-the-art colliding electron-positron accelerators.
The Association facilitate industry-government-academic collaborations, works to enable a further improvement in the cutting-edge technologies that Japan boasts to the world and develops colliding electron-positron accelerators and their applications. These activities are aimed at expanding human knowledge in the fields of space, elementary particles, physical matters and life science and finding new solutions to global issues, including medicine, energy and the environment.